Reality of Social Media Hacking

Many of people searching on Google that "How to Hack Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,etc". and they got various article on regarding hacking these account.Even free/paid software/program/cracker link is also come for hacking these accounts.But whats the Reality of Hacking Facebook,Instagram,Yahoo and etc.....?
Many people on internet impressed by the word "Hacking Account" they think there is some Mind Blowing,extra talented people whom known as hacker can do anything , can hack anybody account . They have some super technique to hack anyone account.But in reality the scenario is totally different . Now the biggest fact about hacking Facebook, Gmail, Instagram accounts are 99% Accounts are hacked due to victim's carelessness/lack of knowledge.And the technique involved for hacking the victim account is keylogger, phishing, social engineering and click hijacking.we usually start like googling this,"How to Hack Gmail","software for Hacking","How to hack Facebook"etc. No doubt,they are at the right place.I would have rather use words - they are on the right track but will they open up the right door and gain something or they will just end up becoming a victim them self Reality behind hacking Facebook,Gmail,Yahoo Accounts. Generally we have signed up for an account(Facebook,Gmail,Yahoo or any other reputed website).
Your Password will stored at two places :-

1:- In your Mind
2:- In Website Data Base 
Stealing Password from the website's database is quite tough task.I am not saying that it is impossible,yaa but it is impossible for normal person.So here are some way which you have to keep in your mind to not to loose your Account.

 1. Phishing :-The most common way of hacking them is phishing.The common type of phishing is Fake Login Page.The victim is anyhow anyway made to enter his credentials in fake login page which resembles the genuine page and gets hacked. For phishing before login you have to just the URL.
2. Keylogger:- Its a most common technique used even by a newbie for Hacking Account.Its simply store whatever you type.So always use Antivirus to your system.
3. Social Engineering:- There is no patch to Human Stupidity.Its the hardest form of attack to defend. The Best way to do not share your password with anyone.


4. Click  Jacking:- These days is quite famous technique to steal the password,mainly its used for Facebook.Many for collecting enourmous likes for status fan page or subscribers ,they goals for few websites(Click Jacking) and share its password.

>Does any free/paid software/program/cracker exist to hack such Accounts ?
NO.You might get numberless free or premium software which claim to crack email accounts.The software just ask you to enter victim's email and starting cracking/generating password. I have already told you about two places where one's password is.From where the hell,these softwares would bring password for you.?
This kind of stuff is undoubtedly scam/rubbish.
-> Is there any free/premium online service to hack such accounts?
NO.You might have logged on to many websites that claim to crack any email accounts for some amount of money.They are completely fraud and be aware of them.Don't loose your money there!!

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  1. Very worthy and it's really helping out people who are active on social media in knowing facts n myth...


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